Learning to Take Better Care of Your Family's Teeth

Three Ways To Make Your Child More Excited About Tooth Brushing

Scheduling regular dental checkups for your child is an important way to ensure that he or she has the best oral health possible from an early age. By seeing the dentist every six months, your child can build and maintain a healthy smile that lasts into adulthood. Between these important visits, the most important thing you can do is to ensure that your child is brushing his or her teeth regularly. Some children adopt the habit easily and are excited about tooth brushing; for others, it's a task to constantly be reminding them to head to the bathroom after meals. Here are three ways to make your child more excited about tooth brushing.

Read Books About Dental Care

If you're getting tired of preaching the same message about the value of brushing one's teeth, it might be time to let some children's authors give you a hand. Visit your nearest library branch or bookstore, and you should be able to find children's books about the importance of dental care. As is typically the case with children's books, those about dental care are presented in a fun and light manner but have a serious message that is being enforced. Such books are available for children of different ages; buy one and begin reading it to your child to see if it has an impact.

Download Games On Your Mobile Device

Children who are interested in video games played on your mobile device can benefit from you downloading a game or app designed to encourage children to brush their teeth. There are a variety of such apps available; they use animated characters, timer countdowns, short videos and other features to encourage your children to brush. For example, your child can start a time when he or she begins brushing and hear the timer ring when it's time to stop brushing. The child can then check off the brushing session in a progress chart for the week.

Turn Brushing Time Into Family Time

Leading by example can be an effective way to encourage your children to do anything, including brush their teeth. Instead of sending them away to perform this important chore, do it together. Grab your own toothbrush and join your kids in a fun, upbeat brushing session after breakfast and dinner. Even if you'll need to brush your teeth again later after you've snacked while the kids are in bed, they'll ideally be keen on brushing as a family.
