Learning to Take Better Care of Your Family's Teeth

2 Antibacterial Mouthwashes To Prevent Tartar Buildup While Wearing Braces

While braces are an excellent solution for treating missing teeth, it can be difficult to clean all areas of your mouth properly while wearing them. If you wear braces, you need to dedicate additional time to cleaning them properly. If you don't, then you can cause tartar buildup around your braces, teeth, and gumline. Since tartar is considered to be hardened plaque, it is difficult to remove with just a simple toothbrush and floss. At this stage, you will need to get a root scaling procedure performed in order to remove the buildup. Therefore, it is important to prevent this from happening. Fortunately, there are a few antibacterial mouthwashes that you can use in your dental care routine in order to do this.

Marshmallow Root Mouthwash

Marshmallow root is used to soothe inflammation internally and externally due to its anti-inflammatory properties. The root is also used also a healing herb in times of sickness because of its antibacterial properties. Marshmallow root is commonly consumed in tea form, but it can be turned into a simple rinse. Start by placing three spoonfuls of the dried herb in a small pot of water and placing it on the stove to boil. Once the mixture boils, remove it from the stove and let the herb soak overnight. In the morning, add a few drops of lemon juice and begin to work the rinse into your mouth. Move the mouthwash vigorously in order to clean the gaps and pockets around your braces. Rinse with warm water and repeat this process twice a day.

Mullein Mouthwash

While mullein is not a common herbal remedy like peppermint, the herb is frequently used to treat tough coughs and other forms of sickness. The herb contains antibacterials that help to strengthen and heal the area where it is used. In order to use mullein internally, add a spoonful of the dry herb to a medium sized cup a pour hot water over the cup. Cover the cup with a plate and allow the loose herbs to soak overnight. In the morning, remove the remaining pieces of mullein and use the rinse to clean your mouth. Move the rinse throughout your entire mouth for at least a minute before spitting. Repeat this process after eating in order to remove plaque and food from your mouth.

Excessive tartar buildup can lead to severe forms of gingivitis. Therefore, use these tips to help keep tartar away while you wear your braces.
