Learning to Take Better Care of Your Family's Teeth

3 Dental Treatments For Dens Evaginatus In The Bicuspids

Dens evaginatus, also called talon cusp, is a dental condition that occurs when a rigid claw-like growth forms on the rear of a bicuspid tooth. The condition occurs due to an abnormality during the growth of a permanent tooth and doesn't always cause any problems. But larger talon cusps can end up causing damage to your tongue, soft tissue, and opposing teeth, or they can start to degrade the tooth the cusp is attached to.

There are a few potential treatments for dens evaginatus from your general or cosmetic dentistry professional. The treatment will depend on your specific situation. so you will want to make an appointment as soon as possible.

Dental Shaving and Dental Crown

The dentist can remove the cusp through dental shaving, which requires the dentist to use drills and handheld tools to shave down the cusp until the tooth has a shape close to that of a normal bicuspid. Shaving is painless and effective but also wears away the protective enamel and some of the dentin on the side of the tooth with the cusp. Leaving the tooth as-is after a dental shaving would make the tooth vulnerable to staining, bacterial infection, and trauma.

The dentist will protect the tooth by installing a dental crown over the entire bicuspid. The crown, usually naturally-looking porcelain on the outside with a strong metal backing, will serve as the new dentin and enamel layers in the area where the tooth was shaved.

Dental Shaving and Bonds or Veneers

But dental crowns aren't the only finishing possibility when dental shaving is involved. If the cusp was large enough to cross over toward the front of the tooth, or if the front of the tooth also has some damage, your cosmetic dentistry specialist might decide to install a bond or veneer to cover the damage on the front of the tooth.

Bonds are malleable resin shaped directly onto the tooth and then hardened with a light. Veneers are made in a lab to bond to the front of your tooth in a similar way that dental crowns are installed. Bonds are faster and tend to be cheaper, while veneers are more custom-fitted and tend to be a bit more durable.

Root Canal and Dental Crown

Did the cusp only cause damage on the back of the tooth, but shaving the cusp off will damage the tooth's root canal or the pulp material inside? Your dentist might have to follow up the dental shaving with a root canal procedure.

The root canal procedure involves drilling into the rear of the tooth, scraping out any damaged pulp material and then sealing the tooth shut with the dental crown. Performing the root canal can help ensure that your bicuspid remains healthy and viable after the crown is in place.

For more information, contact Martinsville Family Dentistry or a similar location.
