Learning to Take Better Care of Your Family's Teeth

Home Remedies For Tartar Reduction Won't Replace A Great Dental Cleaning

Taking great care of one's teeth is admirable. Not everyone takes the time to properly brush and floss. Interestingly, even those who do brush and floss regular may be adverse about seeing the dentist. Even those persons who take great care of their pearly whites may put off appointments year after year due to being "too busy." Maybe the fear of hearing bad news not only keeps them diligent with caring for their teeth, but also away from the dentist's chair. They may even choose to employ dubious home remedies as a means of both removing plaque and tartar and also putting off a dental visit, which is a very bad idea. Read on to learn the truth about home remedies and what you should do instead.

The Hydrogen Peroxide Remedy

One home remedy solution that is promoted online is the use of hydrogen peroxide. Essentially, a mix of hydrogen peroxide and water may lead to hardened tartar loosening up and breaking away. Employing this method might be okay to do in between normal dental visits since it may assist the standard brushing and flossing process with the reduction of bacteria. Using this method as a means of addressing serious tartar buildup won't be helpful since it is doubtful hydrogen peroxide will have any major effect on calcified plaque.

Home Scaling Kits

Brushing is never going to be enough to remove the tartar. There are rather inexpensive kits sold on the market that are seemingly not all that different from the metal picks and scrapers designed to clean away hardened tartar. Just because someone buys a few dental cleaning items does not make the person a qualified dental hygienist. In fact, attempting to scrape away tartar could lead to lacerations of the gums. The gums may end up becoming infected as a result. A deep laceration could necessitate immediate emergency medical care.

The Necessity of Root Cleaning

Even in the rare—and ill-advised—instance of someone self-scraping away tartar, a surface level treatment of tartar might not be anywhere near enough to fix the problem. The tartar may be below the gum line, which means a dentist must perform a procedure known as root planing. During this process, the root is cleaned of the tartar. Once the tartar is gone, so are a great many of the problems, such as the risk of bone loss from periodontal disease.

Legitimate Resources

Myths and quackery abound online and in print. The best way to avoid bad advice is to read reliable and reputable sources such as ones featuring writings by actual dentists and hygienists. These professionals are going to tell the real story on advisable dental cleaning treatments. Make an appointment at a dental clinic like Family & Cosmetic Dentistry to learn more.
