Learning to Take Better Care of Your Family's Teeth

Why Gums Bleed And What You Can Do About This

Healthy gums do not bleed, which is why you should let your dentist know if you are experiencing any bleeding with your gums, even if it only happens occasionally. When gums bleed, it typically means there is something wrong with them. Your dentist can help you find the problem that is causing this and may be able to give you tips to help your gums become healthier.

Why gums bleed

The main reason gums bleed is from a buildup of plaque on them. Plaque is something you wash away when you brush your teeth; however, it can build up on your teeth and gums if it is not removed on a regular basis. When plaque remains on your gums too long, it can turn into gum disease, and one of the first signs of gum disease is bleeding gums. The good news is that if you detect gum disease at an early stage, you might be able to treat it and correct it without going through any type of dental procedure.

It's also important to realize that gums can also bleed for other reasons. The medication you take is one example of this. Certain medications will cause gums to bleed, even if a person doesn't have gum disease. Most medications that do this are types that are used to thin blood out. Let your dentist know if you take any medications, because this could be the cause of your bleeding gums.

You should also understand that if you begin flossing your teeth every day and have never done so before, your gums might bleed because they are not used to this. If this is the cause of your bleeding gums, the bleeding should stop after flossing daily for a week. If it continues after this, let your dentist know.

What you can do about this

If your gums are bleeding, the best thing you can do is let your dentist know. Your dentist will carefully examine your gums and teeth to determine if the bleeding is from gum disease. If you have gum disease, the dentist will determine what stage it is in. If it is in the initial stage, the dentist might simply recommend getting your teeth cleaned and taking better care of your teeth. If the gum disease has progressed, your dentist is likely to recommend going through a procedure called dental planing and scaling.

Keeping your teeth and gums healthy is important if you want to keep your teeth. To learn more about the causes and remedies for bleeding gums, visit a family dentistry in your city.
