How Dental Implants Stop The Domino-Effect Of Losing Teeth
There comes a time in many people's lives when their oral health fails them and they start losing teeth. This issue is often one that becomes a major challenge if many teeth start falling out one after another. Thankfully, there are many ways to get help for this problem, including getting dental implants when things get rough.
Why Losing Teeth Can Be a Domino Effect
The oral health problems that cause a lost tooth aren't always isolated just to that missing tooth. For example, plaque and other types of diseases may spread from that missing tooth and affect other teeth. Even worse, the mouth is designed to work together as one unit to stay strong and healthy. Therefore, a person missing a tooth may end up experiencing what can be termed a domino effect.
This issue happens when jaw bone damage caused by losing a tooth spreads to nearby teeth. When it does, a person may end up losing more teeth and continuing this spread throughout their mouth. And as this happens, a person may suddenly find that they need bridges or even dentures to replace missing teeth. Thankfully, dental implants can help this problem before it gets out of control.
Ways Dental Implants Help
Dental implants are powerful replacement teeth that are screwed directly into the jaw and which look as much like natural teeth as possible. When installed properly, they fill the gaps in a person's smile and make them look better. However, these implants also provide a whole string of benefits that go beyond improving a person's aesthetics and right to enhancing their overall oral health.
For example, a dental implant can stop the spread of disease and jaw bone damage that may occur after losing a tooth. In a sense, dental implants fill the gap in the domino line that may have been created by a missing tooth. So rather than the whole line falling over because of one fallen tooth, they can stay strong, secure, and properly located in a person's mouth for years to come.
And when cared for properly, a good implant can last more than a decade and may need very minimal dental maintenance to keep strong. Though a person will need to brush the implant and floss around it regularly, these steps are more than easy enough to handle by implant owners at home or elsewhere. Contact a dentist to learn more.