The Differences Between The Two Types Of Mouthwash

Do you feel a bit overwhelmed when you look for mouthwash at the store? There seem to be so many different mouthwashes out there, all advertising different benefits and flavors, which make the selection process confusing. However, they all break down into one of two different categories that you should know about.  Antiseptic Mouthwash An antiseptic mouthwash is going to be great for your gums, and will not provide much protection for your teeth. [Read More]

How Dental Implants Stop The Domino-Effect Of Losing Teeth

There comes a time in many people's lives when their oral health fails them and they start losing teeth. This issue is often one that becomes a major challenge if many teeth start falling out one after another. Thankfully, there are many ways to get help for this problem, including getting dental implants when things get rough. Why Losing Teeth Can Be a Domino Effect The oral health problems that cause a lost tooth aren't always isolated just to that missing tooth. [Read More]

Late-Period Thumb-Suckers: How A Pediatric Dentist Can Help

Thumb-sucking is a habit that many children form when quite young but that usually goes away after a few years. However, some may persistently suck their thumb well past kindergarten and may hide it from their parents. Any parent who discovers their child engaging in this activity needs to talk to a pediatric dentist right away to get help. Thumb-Sucking May Last Longer Than You Think Parents typically break their child of a thumb-sucking habit when their child is quite young. [Read More]

What You Should Know When Getting Braces

Getting braces is something that has been heavily stereotyped in American culture. For folks who are worried about the alignment of their teeth, it can be helpful to learn what the real deal is and how things will go. Here are a few things that patients should know before they get braces: There Are Many Options The old image of a face full of metal is seared into the popular imagination, but there are plenty of alternatives on the market today. [Read More]