
Can A Knocked Out Baby Tooth Be Replaced?

When an adult tooth is knocked out, a race against time begins. A dentist can splint the lost tooth back into position if you get to them fast enough, and the tooth will begin to repair its root structure, eventually stabilizing itself. But what happens when a baby tooth has been knocked out? Root Structure Although the lost tooth might still be more-or-less intact, it cannot be reinserted into your child's mouth.

Does Your Child Need A Root Canal? A Brief Explanation

Root canals are one of the most common dental operations and very widely known in the broader population. What is less known, however, is if they still make sense as a solution for problems with baby teeth. To understand whether or not your child will need a root canal, you need to first take a look at what root canals actually encompass. Here is a brief explanation of root canals and whether or not your child is likely to need one for their dental problems.

Causes Of Pediatric Periodontal Disease

If your child experiences bleeding and swollen gums, drainage oozing out of the gums, gum recession, or bad breath, then make an appointment with a dentist for kids. These signs and symptoms may mean that your child has periodontal disease, and if not treated quickly, damage to the bones that support your child's teeth may develop, as might tooth loss. Here are some causes of pediatric periodontal disease to discuss with your child's dentist.

The Differences Between The Two Types Of Mouthwash

Do you feel a bit overwhelmed when you look for mouthwash at the store? There seem to be so many different mouthwashes out there, all advertising different benefits and flavors, which make the selection process confusing. However, they all break down into one of two different categories that you should know about.  Antiseptic Mouthwash An antiseptic mouthwash is going to be great for your gums, and will not provide much protection for your teeth.

How Dental Implants Stop The Domino-Effect Of Losing Teeth

There comes a time in many people's lives when their oral health fails them and they start losing teeth. This issue is often one that becomes a major challenge if many teeth start falling out one after another. Thankfully, there are many ways to get help for this problem, including getting dental implants when things get rough. Why Losing Teeth Can Be a Domino Effect The oral health problems that cause a lost tooth aren't always isolated just to that missing tooth.

Late-Period Thumb-Suckers: How A Pediatric Dentist Can Help

Thumb-sucking is a habit that many children form when quite young but that usually goes away after a few years. However, some may persistently suck their thumb well past kindergarten and may hide it from their parents. Any parent who discovers their child engaging in this activity needs to talk to a pediatric dentist right away to get help. Thumb-Sucking May Last Longer Than You Think Parents typically break their child of a thumb-sucking habit when their child is quite young.

What You Should Know When Getting Braces

Getting braces is something that has been heavily stereotyped in American culture. For folks who are worried about the alignment of their teeth, it can be helpful to learn what the real deal is and how things will go. Here are a few things that patients should know before they get braces: There Are Many Options The old image of a face full of metal is seared into the popular imagination, but there are plenty of alternatives on the market today.

What To Do When A Filling Falls Out: Is It An Emergency?

Were you chewing on a piece of candy when you suddenly felt a sharp pain coming from your tooth? At that moment, you may have quickly realized that your filling came out. Although fillings are made to last and protect the teeth from additional decay, chewing substances can often cause them to come out, leaving your tooth and gums exposed to harmful bacteria while causing you some serious pain. Now that your filling fell out, you need to know what to do to relieve the pain and protect the tooth.

How To Help Your Child Reduce Anxiety At The Dentist

A big part of pediatric dentistry is getting young patients to comply with treatment without fear. If you are an adult that is nervous about the dentist yourself, you may have passed some of your anxiety down to your child without even realizing it. Children should be going to a pediatric dentist as soon as they have teeth, and many go before they are one year old so that they can get used to the idea of someone checking the teeth in their mouth.

Root Canals Failing? Dental Implants May Be Necessary

Throughout your life, you've had to get a few root canals to protect your oral health. However, you've noticed that you feel pain in one of these treatment areas and you're worried that your canals are failing. This situation is very possible and can be helped and treated with the help of dental implants. Root Canals May Fail A root canal is designed to replace a damaged nerve in a tooth and hold it properly in place in your jaw.